
Tuesday Dec 27, 2016
7 Steps to Fundraising FREEDOM with Mary Valloni
Tuesday Dec 27, 2016
Tuesday Dec 27, 2016
Have you ever wanted to run a fundraising event? Maybe one that raises $500k in it's first year in a small town? It's not magic, but it does take work and following the 7 Steps.
Mary Valloni comes back to the show (our first return guest!) to share her secrets and tell us all about her upcoming book, Fundraising Freedom!
Follow Mary on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/maryvalloniconsulting and check out her website at http://www.maryvalloni.com/ to keep up and get more tips and ideas about how to make your next fundraiser or campaign success. And of course, the book launches on January 17, but you can pre-order it right now on Amazon or any other fine retailer of books!
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Tuesday Dec 20, 2016
Using the Interwebs to Find the Good Charities
Tuesday Dec 20, 2016
Tuesday Dec 20, 2016
We know you've seen it... the dreaded Think Before You Donate meme that flies around every holiday giving season. We're just going to let Waffles at Noon debunk that here: http://wafflesatnoon.com/think-before-you-donate-charity-claims/.
But if you can't rely on Facebook Memes, how can you find good charities to donate to? Marjorie and Natalie throw back some vino and let you in on the secrets of the nonprofit trade.
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Marjorie on LinkedIn
501Crossroads on Facebook

Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
Wine on One- Gift Giving in the Nonprofit Office
Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
It's begining to look a lot like Christmas... and Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa, and so many other holidays! What's the right protocol for giving gifts in the office. Should you give your boss a gift? What about your office BFF? The mean cube dweller in Finance?
Marjorie and Natalie pulled out a big bottle of wine to tackle this often controversial and landmine frought topic.
And yes, please buy us presents... red please.
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Marjorie on LinkedIn
501Crossroads on Facebook

Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
The Challenges and Benefits to Working in a Small Shop with David Garris
Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
Have you ever heard development advice and automatically thought that it didn't work for you because it came from the mouth of someone whose expertise was in big national nonprofits? Then today's show is for you! David Garris, Foundation Director of The St. Elizabeth's Hospital Foundation has worked in nonprofits big and small and shared with us the challenges and all the benefits that come with being a staff of one or two.
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Marjorie on LinkedIn
501Crossroads on Facebook

Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
Wine on One- Process Improvement
Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
Whether it's streamlining your intake process or fixing your checkout process at an event, we can all benefit from thinking about the best ways to improve our processes. Today, Natalie throws down her knowledge about Process Improvement so we can all improve together!

Tuesday Nov 22, 2016
Wine on One: Legit Thanks
Tuesday Nov 22, 2016
Tuesday Nov 22, 2016
Right before Thanksgiving, Marjorie and Natalie crack open a bottle of wine and talk about something that drives Marjorie completely nuts... requests for donations pretending to be thank you or holiday cards. Pros and cons, rights and wrongs, we cover them all in the latest Wine on One.
Connect with Us!
Natalie on LinkedIn
Marjorie on LinkedIn
501Crossroads on Facebook

Tuesday Nov 15, 2016
Through the Ranks- Becoming the Boss after Being a Peer with Katie Rahn
Tuesday Nov 15, 2016
Tuesday Nov 15, 2016
Imagine this, you’re toiling away at your career, you’re putting in the time, making the sacrifices and it finally happens. You get the top job!
Suddenly you go from being one of the gang to The Man. You’re learning management and leadership all under the watchful eye of the people who you once went to Happy Hour with.
Today’s guest, Katie Rahn of the South Side Early Childhood Center has been there and shares her tips for anyone getting ready to take on this tough transition.
Find Katie's organization at https://www.southside-ecc.org/. You can contact Katie at krahn@southside-ecc.org/
Connect with Us!
Natalie on LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/nataliejablonski
Marjorie on LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/marjorie-moore-6596901
501Crossroads on Facebook- http://facebook.com/501Crossroads

Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Wine on One 5- Savoring Your Staff Meetings
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Done wrong, a staff meeting can be a colossal waste of time, but done right, staff meetings can optimize operations across the organization. Natalie and Marjorie sat down with a bottle of wine to dissect the perfect staff meeting in the latest Wine on One.

Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Fair Labor Standards Act- Are You Ready with Karen Milner
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
We all know it’s coming – a major change to the Department of Labor Fair Labor StandardsAct is scheduled to go into effect December 1st, 2016. We know that the FLSA applies to organizations of all structures, but will it impact nonprofit organizations differently?

Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
Magical Nonprofit Unicorn Vu Le
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
They say never meet your heroes, but we did and we're even more impressed!