
Tuesday Mar 07, 2017
Wine on One- When to Promote the Mission
Tuesday Mar 07, 2017
Tuesday Mar 07, 2017
When your work and life balance really looks like work life soup, it's hard to know when it's the right time to promote your mission to your friends and family.
Is Christmas dinner the right time to ask if Aunt Ethel will come to the Gala? Is after church the right time to talk to your fellow congregants about volunteering?
Marjorie and Natalie pop open a bottle of wine to discuss when the time is right to promote your mission and when it's just not.
Connect with Us!
Natalie on LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/nataliejablonski
Marjorie on LinkedIn- http://www.linkedin.com/in/marjorie-moore
501Crossroads on Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/501crossroads

Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Terrific Third Party Events with Maureen Barber Hill
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
What's better than a party in your honor that you don't have to plan?
Maureen Barber Hill, President and CEO of the ALS Association, St. Louis Region stopped by to talk about how to find great community partners to throw events to benefit your organization. She shared success stories and ways to avoid pitfalls and gave a few tips about when staff might want to get involved.
Connect with Us!
Natalie on LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/nataliejablonski
Marjorie on LinkedIn- http://www.linkedin.com/in/marjorie-moore
501Crossroads on Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/501crossroads

Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
Wine on One- A Love Letter to Great Board Presidents
Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
What's better a week after Valentines Day and the day after Presidents Day than to write a Valentine to a really great board president?
Natalie and Marjorie pop open a bottle of wine and talk about a very special board president and what makes great board presidents really truly great.
Connect with Us!
Natalie on LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/nataliejablonski
Marjorie on LinkedIn- http://www.linkedin.com/in/marjorie-moore
501Crossroads on Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/501crossroads

Tuesday Feb 14, 2017
Ditch the Drama- Restoring Happiness to the Workplace with Rob Otrembiak
Tuesday Feb 14, 2017
Tuesday Feb 14, 2017
60-80% of all difficulties in an organization are caused by strained relationships between employees.
2 hours a day per employee is lost to employees complaining.
A typicla manager spends 25-40% of her time managing conflicts.
How do you ditch the drama?!
Rob Otrembiak of Cy Wakeman called in to share with Natalie and Marjorie the secrets of Reality Based Leadership.
To connect with Rob, go to Reality Leadership's Website, or find them on Facebook.
For healthcare industry related tips, text PEACE to 96000.
Connect with Us!
Natalie on LinkedIn
Marjorie on LinkedIn
501Crossroads on Facebook

Tuesday Feb 07, 2017
Wine on One- Liking LinkedIn
Tuesday Feb 07, 2017
Tuesday Feb 07, 2017

Tuesday Jan 31, 2017
New Kid on the Nonprofit Block with Kimberly Richey
Tuesday Jan 31, 2017
Tuesday Jan 31, 2017
The first months and year in the nonprofit world can be scary and amazing. Kimberly Richey knows first hand. After years as a teacher and Mary Kay Director, Kimberly took the leap into the world of nonprofit work. She talks with Natalie and Marjorie about what went wrong, what went right and a few things that she thought went wrong but went really, really right.
You can connect with Kimberly on Facebook and check out here organization at www.mmmwater.org
Connect with Us!
Natalie on LinkedIn
Marjorie on LinkedIn
501Crossroads on Facebook

Tuesday Jan 24, 2017
Wine on One- Working on Extracurriculars
Tuesday Jan 24, 2017
Tuesday Jan 24, 2017
How do Chamber events, Lions and Rotary and Kiwanis meetings, AFP and CSPRC meetings and board and committee meetings and committee meetings for your national organization fit into your calendar? Are they work? Are they paid? Are they on your time? Can you have that glass of wine?
Natalie and Marjorie pop a bottle to tackle this balancing act of when work and life start to merge and share their secrets of how they choose.
Connect with Us!
501Crossroads on Facebook
Natalie on LinkedIn
Marjorie on LinkedIn

Tuesday Jan 17, 2017
Wine on One- Dressing for Nonprofit Success
Tuesday Jan 17, 2017
Tuesday Jan 17, 2017
In our latest Wine on One, Marjorie and Natalie look into the world of dressing yourself each day for your nonprofit jobs.
From Granimals for adults, to sweatpants, to suits, 501Crossroads look into the culture of nonprofits so you know what's appropriate when.
Connect with Us!
Marjorie on LinkedIn
Natalie on LinkedIn
501Crossroads on Facebook

Wednesday Jan 11, 2017
On the Road Again- The Nonprofit Job Search Journey with Barbara Deters
Wednesday Jan 11, 2017
Wednesday Jan 11, 2017
New Year, New Job? Learn the seriously easy way to increase your chances of getting your next job by 10%!
Marjorie and Natalie bring you a super sized episode today that covers everything you need to know to find and land your dream role.
Barbara Deters is here with tips for your resume and cover letter, how to make your LinkedIn page work for you and gives her best advice for people just entering the nonprofit sector and those who are looking for their next move within the sector.
If you love Barbara and want to connect with her or talk about career coaching with her, you can email her at barbara@detersconsulting.com, check out her website at www.detersconsulting.com, find her on LinkedIn, or call her at 636-222-4985.
Connect with Us!
Natalie on LinkedIn
Marjorie on LinkedIn
501Crossroads on Facebook

Tuesday Jan 03, 2017
Predicting 2017 for Nonprofits with a Magic 8 Ball
Tuesday Jan 03, 2017
Tuesday Jan 03, 2017
Since we don't have a crystal ball, we got out the best thing we could, a Magic 8 Ball app, to predict how 2017 will go for nonprofits.
From social media, to collaboration, to intersectionality, we cover the whole nonprofit sector, so grab a drink and listen!
Connect with Us!
Natalie on LinkedIn
Marjorie on LinkedIn
501Crossroads on Facebook